Only A Real Fan Can Pass This Attack On Titan Quiz


What's the name of the original opening song?

If you like Attack on Titan, then you're certainly a fan of its original opening theme song. In fact, if you have an instrument at home, we're willing to bet that you tried to learn its theme (we're not willing to bet on whether you succeeded). This song seems to scream glory, survival and giants bent on eating the human race. If you can't name this song, you're not a true fan. What's the title of the original opening theme?
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Who was the commander before Erwin?

Being commander of anything is a tough gig, full of responsibility. When it comes to being commander of the Survey Corps, that's a whole other story. There are giants roaming the earth, after all, and only the best leaders can grant humanity the chance to stop them. Erwin has demonstrated his ability to lead an effective, efficient Survey Corps. But, if you're a true Attack on Titan fan, you'll be able to name the commander before him. What's his name?
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What is Levi's last name?

Since you're familiar with the show, you'll no doubt recognize this sharp, somewhat detached face. Say what you want about Levi, but you can't deny how cool he is. The first time we saw his skills in the field, he proved that he's even more capable at killing titans than Mikasa (though the race is a close one, for sure). Since he's such a prolific character, you probably have your eye on him whenever he appears in frame. Here's our question: what's his last name?
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What protects the Colossal Titan?

You'll no doubt remember the Colossal Titan. This is the big bastard who unleashed a fury of hell on the remaining human survivors on Earth by busting a hole in Wall Maria. You may also remember when Eren had a clear kill shot on the titan, but his attack was rendered useless. If you've been paying attention, the reason for this isn't such a mystery. Tell us: what is it that protects the Colossal Titan from harm? Let's see if you know.
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What is Wall Sina's northern district called?

If you're immersed in the world of Attack on Titan, then you'll know doubt know of the three dividing walls within Paradis Island. Outside of the walls is sure death, as legions of titans wander around it aimlessly, looking to mess up whatever human being they come into contact with. Within the walls, however, is a relatively safe haven where humans can be humans - that is, until the very first episode of the series. Do you know what Wall Sina's northern district is called?
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How old is Levi?

Alright, now let's get back to Levi, since we know very well that you want us to. If you've been following Attack on Titan, it's likely that you've thought of devoting your life to being a Levi groupie, following him on his adventures and supporting him wherever he goes. Hopefully, you'd soon realize that this would be impossible due to Levi's status as a fictional character, not to mention the dangers involved in following him on a titan hunt. Regardless of all that, how old is Levi?
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Who is the author of the Attack on Titan manga?

Okay, now let's step outside of the story for a second. After all, Attack on Titan would be nothing but a long-gone thought cloud if one fateful mind didn't string it together on paper. Like Dragon Ball has Akira Toriyama and The Lord of the Rings has J.R.R. Tolkien, Attack on Titan has a veritable genius behind it. If you're a real fan of the show, you'll know the name of the creator and author of the Attack on Titan manga.
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Who is the current commander of the Survey Corps?

The Survey Corps is an incredibly important group in the Attack on Titan series. After all, these are the brave souls who venture outside of the protected city walls in order to go and fight giant monsters who only want to kill humans without even doing them the decency of eating them afterwards. Watchers of the Attack on Titan series were introduced to the story with Hange Zoe as the commander of the Survey Corps, but every good commander has his predecessor.
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Who taught Levi everything he knows?

Now, it's been a while since we had a good Levi question, hasn't it? Of course it has, which is why we're throwing you another one right here. Like us, we're sure that you're devoted to all things Levi, so this shouldn't be a problem for you. We doubt you thought that Levi simply emerged from the womb with his incredible titan killing skills fully formed. Like all masters of anything, Levi himself had a master who he studied under.
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Who is known as the "Potato Girl?"

We all love potatoes, don't we? Potatoes are great when used in an assortment of recipes. You can make mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes with butter and oregano, or even french fries! Years and years back, potatoes saved an entire nation from starvation - they even called the period the "Potato Famine". All this is to say that potatoes are an iconic piece of food - so iconic, it's somehow made its way into the Attack on Titan series as part of the nickname of a certain character.
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How did the Smiling Titan die?

This one's about to hurt... we all remember the Smiling Titan from the very first episode of the Attack on Titan series. In case you need a little refresher: this titan picked up Eren Yeager's mom and took a big bite of her right in the middle, splitting her in half and causing a fountain of red living fluids to burst out. Oh, and Eren had to watch this whole thing unfold from start to end. How did this titan meet his fateful end?
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Why is Sasha so polite when she speaks?

Considering all the fighters that were part of the academy, Sasha is certainly one of the most... special among them. She's proven herself time and time again despite her eccentric tendencies, but that's not what we're focusing on here. If you hadn't noticed, Sasha always makes a point of speaking very politely when interacting with those around her. Any real Attack on Titan fan will know that there's a specific reason for this. Can you tell us why she speaks so politely?
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What was Eren's rank in the top 10 graduates?

When Eren Yeager joined the academy to learn how to fight titans, there was an eternal fire brewing inside him. After all, you'd feel the same passion if you'd just seen your mom split in half between a set of titan chompers. There's no doubt that Eren had his sights set on being the number one graduate of his group, but of course there was Mikasa for him to best, which was totally impossible. Still, he made it out alright.
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Name the three walls in Paradis Island?

Let's take an overhead perspective for a second, and look at the world of Attack on Titan from the clouds. From this point of view, we can clearly see how this land is separated: the humans stay within the walls of Paradis Island, while the titans own literally the rest of the world. Let's zoom a little closer into the human land now; Paradis Island is clearly divided into three segments. Can you tell us what those segments are called?
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After Eren's rescue mission, how many soldiers made it back alive?

You'll recall the segment in the Attack on Titan series where Eren's companions had to venture into the outside world in order to save their fearless leader from his own demise. This was a truly nerve-wracking part of the show, since there was no telling which of Eren's beloved friends would fall victim to giant murderers. Most of the warriors from that rescue mission made it back alive, but not all of them did. How many soldiers lived to tell the tale?
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Who said this quote? (click "show hint")

Here is the first of three Attack on Titan quotes to ensure that you've been paying attention throughout the series. Even through its translation from the original Japanese, Attack on Titan has some beautiful, quotable language in English for us to enjoy. If you're a diehard fan, you'll know who uttered this memorable line: "Only the victors are allowed to live. This world is merciless like that." Ouch - that sounds cold, deep and to the point. Which character said it?
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Why was Erwin placed under arrest?

Let's return to Erwin for a moment here. After all, he's the most interesting non-interesting character in the show, and his arrest perfectly illustrates that. If you were paying attention, you'll note that the arrest of Erwin took place mostly by surprise, at a point where you'd least expect it. Was it a valid arrest? Well, let's first see if you know why it took place at all. Tell us why Erwin was arrested, and we'll see how well you know AoT.
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Who was responsible for messing up Eren's equipment during their training period?

If you think way back to the first few episodes of the series, you'll definitely know the answer to this one. If you can't think that far back, stay away from Google! Anyway, back when Eren was training his ability to kill titans, he ran into a considerable setback. Namely, he found that his equipment had been sabotaged by someone. Who would do such a thing? Let's see how far back your non-Googling memory goes: name the person who messed with Eren's equipment.
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Why don't the Wall Titans move?

While the humans were scaling the outer wall, they discovered a truly haunting thing: that the great walls of Paradis Island are comprised, by titans who have remained completely still this entire time. Yeesh! That's incredibly deep, since it means that the titans were the ones protecting humans from titans in the first place. Thankfully, the wall titans are completely motionless and pose no threat to humanity - at least, that's how it seems. Our question is this: how come they don't move?
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How many Titan Shifters are there?

Anyone who's been following the show - indeed, anyone who even watched the first episode - has a firm sense of the mystery surrounding the titans. These things appeared on Earth out of the complete blue, and started devouring humanity like it's their life's purpose or something. The plot thickened even further once Titan Shifters were put into the fray. Now, we have a bunch of humans who can shift into titans. At this point in the series, how many Titan Shifters are there?
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Here's another quote - who said it? (click "show hint")

Here's the second of our three-part Attack on Titan quote series. If you've been taking an acute look into the show, you'll for sure know who sung this little tune: "I want to know what's become of the outside world. I don't want to ignorantly live out my entire life inside these walls. And if there's nobody around to carry on anymore, then all the lives of the people who've died so far would become pointless!" Which popular character said this?
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Who does this description best suit? (click "show hint")

Like any good story ever told, Attack on Titan has an assortment of vibrant characters that are completely alive and unique in their own way. If you know your Attack on Titan characters, you'll be able to identify who we have in mind based on this description: Efficient at making sharp turns and good at balancing himself, but he lacks proper grasp of strategy and is slow in analyzing the current situation. Which AoT character does this description refer to?
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When Historia punches Levi, how does he react?

We're circling back to Levi here, for old time's sake. Being an avid follower of Attack on Titan, you'll know that no one messes with Levi - absolutely no one - except for the titans. Indeed, if you've ever seen how Levi can bring down a behemoth titan with little to no effort, the last thing you would do is punch him in the face. However, that's exactly what Historia did. When she struck our coolest hero, what was Levi's initial reaction?
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Which Titan is the most powerful?

At this point of the show, we've been introduced to several distinct titans with their own unique set of skills. This all started with the appearance of the Colossal Titan at the very beginning of the show. The capabilities of various titans is bad news for our heroes - they would already have their hands full by dealing with run-of-the-mill, mostly stupid titans. However, that's sadly far from the case. If you know your titans, tell us which of them is the strongest.
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One final quote - who said it? (click "show hint")

Alright, you knew this one was coming - the last quote in our three-part series. This will cleanly round up the quiz, and will tell us for sure if you're worth your salt when it comes to Attack on Titan trivia. This sentence not only encapsulates the entire Attack on Titan series, but it also pertains directly to the umbrella of general existence itself. Here it is: "Better try something than to simply wait for death". Tell us who said this quote, and we'll tell you if you know Attack on Titan.
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Only A Real Fan Can Pass This Attack On Titan Quiz
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